Tuesday, June 2, 2009

my holiday is ended...

semester break does bringing "happy smiley" on us.. heheh..sure it does. integrity debating championship was ended, and these following weeks need us to make preparation for FOMCA..though i'm not going to be a speaker, but then, need to be a fact researcher. hmm.. all the "usul" seems hard for me okeh(nampak sangat saya tak peka isu pengguna-hahaha)

so, here it goes;

1. Pensijilan MSC mampu memastikan sumber makanan laut berterusan

2. Pengeluaran makanan di Malaysia tidak mementingkan keselamatan produk

3. NGO efektif mendidik pengguna

okeh, what should i do then?

1. for the first usul i've got from janifal; i need to make a clearcut the status of marine product/foods' in Malaysia. in addition, what is actually MSC certification. the concept of this "usul" require us to define clearly the goodness of MSC certification,issues and not to be forgotten define clearly the term "berterusan. it means, MSC certification is continuously being upgraded and being supervised as time goes by..

for 2 and 3 just find out the issues..hahahah..idleness...ngeee....takdok idea..

p/s; Boleh bagi cadangan =)

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