Saturday, February 27, 2010


Cant you see how lovely she was..late shafiya humaira 3 y.o

ya ALLAH...betapa la sedihnya tengok muka anak kecil tak bersalah ni...bayangkan tuan2 dan puan2,syafia humairah, 3 tahun disepak, didera, dipukul, ditendang macam bola kat padang. ish, memang tak boleh dimaafkan. apa yang buat hati ni panas je, dah la yang pukul tu teman lelaki ibu dia yang dah bersekedudukan selama 6 tahun! masya ALLAH.... you see, takde apa2 hubungan pun dengan budak tu..kesian jugak la dengar kisah ibu dia masa dengar berita tadi.sampai pengsan2 menghadap jenazah..tak boleh nak cakap lebih2 takut aibkan orang..bapa syafia yang sebenarnya pulak kat penjara..

tapi, berita harian metro lain, berita harian lain pulak ceritanya..apa2 jelah..yang penting lelaki jahat tu perlu hukuman! dengan buat muka tak bersalah, hantar syafia ke hospital lepas tu cakap shafiya tu kemalangan. then, lari je macam tu dengan alasan nak buat laporan polis. dalam berita harian, ada diberitahu yang ibu dia pun terlibat sama dengan penderaan terhadap shafiya.. aduhai..kau, kalau tak sayang anak, kau bagi awal2 kat jabatan kebajikan ok, bagi kat orang lain yang bertahun2 tunggu nak dapat anak tapi tak dapat2.. jangan kau bunuh dia.. hishh..geramnyaaaa!!! sayu gila dengar berita tadi..

apa pun, ku tahu, ALLAH Maha Mengetahui hidup yang lebih baik buat Shafiya, iaitu berada di Pangkuan-NYA..


jalan2 kat blog orang yang sedap2....mmm...yummy...sebab tu kalori dan lemak makin membuak2 dan menari cha-cha dalam tubuh badan...(hihihi,pasal asik nak try aje masak..) ek,kalau dapat makan makanan org jawa lagi best youuu...tidak ada tandingannya! hahaha.... sedap..sedap... i orang jawa.. (^_^)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

tamtam dah semakin pulih....

masa sampai je kat rumah, tengok tamtam melepek je kat tepi pintu...dah kurus..alahai..baru aje tinggalkan seminggu..ina kata tamtam demam..yela kot..tak tau sangat sakit2 kucing ni..air liur meleleh, kurus aje...bulu2 dia pun banyak yang gugur...tak tau nak buat apa...i put panadol in his he is lying down on my lap..manja betul..

yela, kesian dia takde mood, kadang2 terbatuk2..mungkin sekarang ni tamtam masih, hopefully tamtam cepat sembuh..nanti boleh mandikan dia,boleh suruh tamtam lompat2 kejar reben, main washing machine balls,hehehe...comel nya tamtam...kalau pagi2 minggu aje, nanti tamtam naik atas katil, kejut orang2 supaya bangun subuh yang dah terlajak(tu pun,kalau dia dapat tido dalam bilik la)...erkkk...hujung minggu kan...

wah...havoc kau ye tamtam, landing2 atas sejadah...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

what would you do...

what would you do if u are having a problem with someone? so far..i will take a step, ask for apoligizing and it would be better after then. but somehow, when things come complicated..i think i should stay away.. nobody is perfect and so am i.. i'm a kind of someone who is egoistic and expressive i guess.. however, i dont like to bear a grudge.. i just dont want to have problems with someone.. mmm..

but... when it comes to "hidup berjiran&bermasyarakat" we should understand and dont being selfish.. just act yourself as a part of community such as, comprehend, be able to give and take, use your mind when it comes to "menjaga kebersihan bersama"..and many more (which i know, that u knew what i mean)..

by the way, i'm the one who doesnt like to "cari pasal", but if someone start to play with the fire,which i think, it is not good for me, i will keep myself safe, and will extinguish the fire+the one who started it...what do you think guys?

Monday, February 22, 2010

the steps...

ok, i have dropped by Dr.R's office...and guess what, this week is an indulgence week of mine..i have so many inputs, i have so many knowledge that i might not get it in my, i have been told about so called life and such Jet engine history , as such stephen R covey's points on 7 habits of highly effective people..and i do understand what actually begins in scholar people.. they read a lot, they understand and analyse..and they do convey an advice to a poor me..

so, pursuing master study in FPT, will gonna be tough as for me, who is lousy and terhegeh2..hehe..6 months before pursuing studies, i have to propose a reseach proposal to the office, apply for a scholarship to KPT. and thank ALLAH that we dont have to wait the scroll in hand but have to get approval from PPA regarding to the last results instead and some other confirmations..

so, the big questions appeared infront of my eyes..i do have a passion in manufacturing and production, but somehow, i just doubt to have under supervision of someone. that he/she was not very helpful. but towards the end, they need someone who are able to work on their own, but still being supervised to ensure they would work in right manners..

master the body of knowledge..i likeee...=)

Sunday, February 21, 2010


aik?kenapa keluar gambar ni?
having a great day with them all...luv u guys,,,

masih teringat apa cerita kita kat gelanggang netball pada malam itu??heheh..anda pasti teringat....

Friday, February 19, 2010

metodologi kajian

berikut merupakan metodologi kajian yang saya copy dari blog cikgu ibrahim..terima kasih cikgu..mohon izin C&P ya..untuk rujukan masa akan datang~


(Di petik daripada tulisan : Prof. Madya Dr. Siti Rahayah Ariffin)

Kaedah persampelan dalam kajian kuantitatif dan kualitatif adalah berbeza. Dalam kajian kuantitatif isu persampelan rawak adalah penting kerana ia berkait rapat dengan analisis statistik. Prosedur persampelan perlu bersifat terwakilan (representative), bilangan sampel kecil tetapi mewakili dan tepat generalisasi mengenai populasi yang besar. Oleh itu, kajian kuantitatif sangat menitik berat tentang teknik persampelan berasaskan teori kebarangkalian (Theory of Probability).

Proses pemilihan dan bilangan peserta kajian berdasarkan kepada tahap ketepuan (satiation point) yang dicapai semasa proses pengumpulan data sedang dijalankan. Tahap penepuan (satiation point) data adalah keadaan di mana tidak terdapat tema baru muncul dan teori yang dihasilkan dari data yang diperolehi adalah sama. Apabila data didapati telah tepu, pengkaji menamatkan proses mengumpul data (Glesne dan Peshkin 1992).
Bagi melaksanakan temubual mendalam (in-depth interview) dan temubual kumpulan fokus perlu disediakan protokol temubual. Peserta kajian perlu dimaklumkan tentang tujuan dan ekspektasi kajian sebelum sesi temubual dan pemerhatian dimulakan.
Sebagai contoh, peserta kajian telah dikenal pasti sebagai pakar bidang bahasa untuk ditemubual tentang definisi kecerdasan bahasa. Untuk mendapat definisi tepat tentang bidang ini dua orang pakar bidang bahasa telah dikenal pasti. Seorang guru berpengalaman luas dan mengajar Bahasa Melayu di sekolah menengah lebih 15 tahun telah bersetuju dengan sukarela menjadi peserta kajian. Dan seorang lagi ialah Ketua Bidang Bahasa Melayu di sebuah organisasi selama lebih 13 tahun telah bersetuju menjadi peserta kajian. Temubual ini dijalankan secara temubual mendalam.

Bagi konstruk kb pula seorang pakar ditemubual secara mendalam adalah seorang jurulatih dan juga pengadil Tae Kwan Do di peringkat kebangsaan. Sementara bagi temubual kumpulan fokus, peserta kajian terdiri daripada tiga orang iaitu seorang pensyarah dalam bidang sukan dari salah sebuah IPTA, seorang Pegawai Kebudayaan dari Istana Budaya dan seorang guru Pendidikan Seni di salah sebuah sekolah menengah di sekitar Kajang.

Instrumen Kajian
Instrumen atau alat kajian yang digunakan bagi kajian kualitatif adalah pengkaji sendiri yang menggunakan samada protokol temubual atau garis panduan penerbitan. Penggunaan protokol temubual dapat membantu pengkaji menyediakan struktur sesi temubual yang lebih tersusun disamping dapat mengekalkan tahap fleksibiliti temubual tersebut (Patton dalam Rubin & Barbie 2000).

Sebelum temubual dijalankan, protokol temubual perlu disediakan oleh pengkaji dan pengesahan protokol temubual perlu disemak oleh pakar-pakar dalam bidang tersebut. Protokol temubual boleh terdiri daripada soalan terbuka (open ended question) yang berkaitan persoalan kajian. Lima bahagian dalam penulisan protokal ialah: soalan pembuka, soalan pengenalan, soalan transisi, soalan kunci dan soalan penutup (Krueger 1994). Menurut beliau, lima jenis soalan inilah yang membentuk rangka kepada keseluruhan soalan terbuka yang digunakan. Soalan-soalan tersebut ialah :

  1. Soalan Pembuka

    Sesi memperkenalkan diri peserta kajian (latar belakang pendidikan, jawatan, pengalaman kerja)

  2. Soalan Pengenalan

    Soalan ini digunakan untuk memperkenalkan tajuk perbincangan kepada peserta kajian. Pada masa ini juga peserta kajian diberi peluang untuk membuat refleksi mengenai pengalaman serta hubung kaitnya dengan topik perbincangan.

  3. Soalan Transisi

    Soalan ini membuka skop topik perbincangan. Ia juga membantu peserta memikirkan skop yang lebih luas dan mendalam.

  4. Soalan Kunci-Soalan ini adalah fokus utama dalam perbincangan. Soalan-soalan ini perlu dibina terlebih dahulu daripada soalan-soalan di atas. Kebanyakan maklumat daripada peserta kajian adalah melalui soalan-soalan ini.

  5. Soalan Penutup

  1. Soalan ini memberi peluang peserta kajian membuat refleksi semula tentang apa yang telah dibincangkan. Disamping itu ia juga memberi peluang kepada peserta kajian untuk menambah mana-mana aspek yang tidak ditanya oleh penemubual.

Di dalam kelima-lima jenis soalan tersebut terdapat beberapa soalan yang lebih mengkhususkan kepada aspek yang ingin disoal oleh pengkaji. Contoh soalan-soalan yang diajukan dalam temubual tersebut adalah seperti dalam Lampiran C.

Disamping protokol temubual, semasa sesi temubual pengkaji menyediakan juga perakam audio bagi merakam sesi temu bual dengan peserta kajian. Pengkaji juga membuat catatan umum isi perbualan peserta kajian semasa sesi temubual bagi mendapat gambaran secara umum untuk mengajukan soalan-soalan seterusnya yang dapat mengcungkil (probe) lebih banyak lagi maklumat yang diperlukan.

Snowballing or Networking Sampling
Researcher, who would like to select participants from various stratified groups, and at the same time maintaining the nonbiased stand in the selection process, can opt for snowball or network technique (also referred as chain referral or reputational sampling). The word nonbiased here will have to be used with some caution. How, why and where the snowball will be rolled, again depends on the researcher and what he or she is looking for. If clean snow is required to make the snowman, then the maker would have to look for clean, fresh snow. Subsequently, dirty snow will destroy the quality of the snowman. This analogy is applicable to the snowball technique employed in qualitative research. According to Gleshne ad Peshkin (1992) a researcher who wish to use such technique will have to make the initial contact (using the first snowball) and use recommendation to work out from there.

As the snowball rolled it will get bigger, and so do the number of participants selected for the study. Neuman (2000) suggests that snowball sampling is a multistage technique. It begins with one or a few people or cases and spreads out based on links to the initial cases (as shown by Diagram 1). The question is, how can a researcher who employs such sampling technique be certain that the group will grow bigger and heavier, until it is too late, and the person gets overwhelmed by the big snowman!). With this sampling technique, can the researcher see the finishing line to the number of participants selected for his or her study? A thing to remember is that, in snowball or network-sampling technique, each person in the sample is directly or indirectly tied to the original sample, and several people may have named the same people. A researcher can eventually stops the selection process when, no new names are given, indicating a closed network, or because the network is so large that it is at the limit of what he or she can study (Newman, 2000), Kim (1996) used a good example of snowball technique in her study of friendships and student-faculty relationship among Korean international students. She started (and interviewed) with one final year undergraduate Korean students and ends with 36 other Korean International students.

It is also interesting to note that, for snowball sampling procedure, a researcher can also start the ball rolling with more than one participant. Each participant will then introduce others, and each group will then grow independently until at one point where the three groups will meet. Such a start will help increase the number of participants at a faster rate, thereby making it more time effective. A word of caution would be to make sure that the number of participants selected for the study be maintained at a manageable number, because an overwhelmed researcher will just give up when analyzing a humungous amount of data.

Persampelan Bertujuan
Pada umumnya pemilihan sampel dalam kajian kualitatif berbeza dengan kajian kuantitatif. Bilangan sampel adalah kecil dan dipilih secara bertujuan (purposive sampling). Biasanya pemilihan peserta kajian mengambil kira faktor pengalaman dan latar belakang peserta kajian. Disamping itu, kerjasama dan kesediaan yang berterusan untuk mengambil bahagian dalam kajian. Kesediaan peserta kajian untuk diperhati atau ditemubual akan melicinkan proses pengumpulan data.


Glesne, C. & Peshkin, P. 1992. Becoming qualitative researches: An introduction. New York: Longman.

Kim, J. 1996. A qualitative study of friendships and students-faculty relationships: Experiences and perspective of Korean International students studying in United States. Doctoral dissertation, Western Michigan University.

Krueger, R.V. 1994. Focus group: a practical guide for applied research. Ed. Ke-2. Thousnd Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Newman, W.L. 2000. Social research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Rubin, A. & Babbie, E. 2001. Research methods for social work. Ed. Ke-4. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Yin, R.K. 1994. Case study research: Design and methods. London: Sage Publications.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

alhamdulillah again...

after been given a chance to conduct an interview session with automotive industry, i have 2 companies to end-up with..alhamdulillah...

though was not allowed to enter the plants and see the overall process of machine, but i satisfied with the interview session. that was due to -relay-out of the plants which is not safe to me to enter the plant boundaries.

so, another interview session will be conducted tomorrow with proton. that officer is just nice i think. he used to deal with students before. so, alhamdulillah again..

then, 1 company to go..i hope all the process gonna be smooth...amiin..

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

i had something...

ok, stop thinking about the last issue.. i was so angry and extremely dissapointed at that time..ok, stop it ok..banyak2kan berzikir and mohonlah pada ALLAH diperindahkan akhlak..(hoo, wow,ustazahnya saya..hahah)

mungkin hati ni kotor, dan jauh dari ALLAH..i need a, after ditarbiyahkan oleh cik tam..i think, i must stop it..full stop.

and dear bloggie,

i was really happy..because, though hati yang jahat ni bernafas, ALLAH still gives me a rezeki..HE never neglecting me..alhamdulillah..please blast me with YOUR guidance ya ALLAH..i'm the weak creature..

actually, i've sought several places and am looking forward to pursue my, i choose to study abroad (hey, why not i just take a try?) i love to have a challenging part of my life, how would i survive when living alone..but towards the end..ALLAH pemberi rezeki..yes, i'm moving on my,i had call a place which manage to arrange student to overseas..but you know what, the processing fee that they asked is 90 pund=RM 500++..hoh..

after that, i seek for an advice due to pursuing master study to UTHM's councellor..i was a bit dissapointed actually with the weak explanation and the attention..but never mind..move it by your own feet, i believe that only ALLAH can helps me..but for sure, i have to berusaha..

so..when i was on FB, my lecturer suddenly ask me, when i gonna graduate? and, as i said, i'm moving on my plan, i really had a plan to pursue master lecturer offered me to drop by in his office and he will explain to me later about the next procedure to pursue master study.. he is looking for master student who has strong english command and does has modest attitude..and i just love it! alhamdulillah, ALLAH has shown me the way..

graduation hat with choco falvor (^^,)

so, the story for today is.. i had to manage my last year project which is non-parametric research (qualitative research method) by interviewing several production managers.. i have 3 companies to, i call automotive industry,and the manager said--yes, you can come tomorrow--again, i thank ALLAH..

so, i call proton..i dont have a chance to talk to the production manager but had a great talk with the responsible officer i guess..suddenly he asked me about when i gonna finish my study,my CGPA,bla bla bla..and wuusssh...he said

"why not u apply for internship at proton.we are loooking for those who has achieved 3.00 above, email me your CV along with the question"

though after that he gave me a call, he said that just try, he will send my CV to HR..and complaint why the internship period is so short!~speechless

but afterall, he said-doesnt matter, just try-

i just happy..that's all.. i write it in blog..where this is only my space.. that i can talk to.. because hati yang jahat, suka nk menunjuk2 nanti kalau bercakap..better i shut my mouth off..because all these were because REZEKI from ALLAH.. i dont want to be arrogant..cuma slack bila i marah la..haishh..syaitonirrojim semuanya ituuu....(T_T)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

saya budak baru belajar

kepada semua pembaca blog, sudi2kanlah singgah ke boutique maya saya...-ChantiqueGallery-
lihat2 baju yang anda berkenan...semoga sesuai dgn citarasa!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

saje je...

hari ni, dapat soalan test yang senang..tapi susah nak jawab..hehehe..kelakar betul, siap berpeluh2 plus shivering tangan saya..nervous sangat sebab saya tahu takkan sempat nak jawab semua dengan penuh dedikasi..hikhik...whatever it is, i have done my best kan..ntah le markah berapa...wuu..nervous gak nak jawab tu..

oh, hari ni, masak roti jala cicah sardin..roti jala jadik roti jaring kot..hahaha...layan...asal boleh lalu ikut tekak..=)