Monday, January 31, 2011


salam semua..

hai..saya kembali bersiaran secara langsung dari rumah..

within these 3 days, i keep updating his life in Cairo. alhamdulillah,he was fine. at least! i am so relief for hearing his voice over there. alhamdulillah.. I got the line in after taking a few trials. again,i was so excited to hear his voice (padahal dalam hati tadi risau ya amat).. thanx friend for your kinda support!

the next day, I informed his mother. his mother told me that she tried to call him, but failed to. *sigh*. so after knowing the news that cik tam was safe and is now staying at rumah negeri, cik tam's mother seems relief. so, i told her do not be so worry ye makcik (eleh, saya pon teroyan jugak sebelum tu). wahhahahah...

siap lagi, menyempat search kat tenet, pasal berita timur tengah.
"call 101 then you will be connected to your child's number"

hah, i made a call to cik tam's mother straight away saying to do this and that if makcik wants to reach him by phone call. heeehe.. lega rasa... cuma kesian.masalah makanan pulak...

apa pun, saya masih risaukan keadaan pelajar malaysia yang kat tempat2 lain.. semoga ALLAH bersama2 mereka..amin!

1 comment:

Ammar said...

selamat berkenalan..jom join contest nak tak?